We’ve just discovered Julia thanks to Alba, the designer of our beloved AB Jewellery, and it’s been love at first sight. And by just I mean yesterday! Alba announced on her Facebook that she was meeting her and we got super curious. Alba is one of our references when it comes to trendspotting so we had the feeling we will love Julia’s blog. And we did! We’ve been browsing Stylonylon all morning and we thought we absolutely have to share it with you. In a few hours she’s become one of our favorite bloggers ever! She is a photographer, writer and pretty much everything what we would love to be.
A serene beauty with a casual tomboy style. You know the drill: messy hair, flats, comfy clothes… we can’t help but love her style.
She got me at the sneakers + camel coat combination.
Please do check her blog, Stylonylon, for more images and inspiration!
Happy weekend!
Filed under: Weekend Style Icons